Your source for reprinted articles.
Articles for Boomers
Baby Boomers are always speaking out. Give us your stories and creative works –- we will place them into this article directory that is made for boomers. Increase your connectedness, show others your writings, and have your name come up when you look in the search engines.
This is a unique and innovative internet resource whose goal is to meet the needs and interests of active and creative Baby Boomers. provides educational and informative content, products, services and community forums where like-minded individuals can learn and share.
Boomers International
WE are your COMMUNITY - We are your FAMILY -- and we are your FRIENDS. WE ARE YOU. Whether you are a Boomer or about to be Boomer - or a BOOMER AT HEART THIS IS YOUR HOME. Topics include Fun, Nostalgia, Culture, Advice, Golden Age, and Spirituality.
Free Online Novels
What you will find here: Novels by Jennifer L. Armstrong as well as an extensive list of links to free online novels by other authors. The novels are organized by genre (Adventure, Mystery, Romance... etc.) and alphabetically by title within each genre.
Jieranai Maier, California Realtor
Customer service is my # 1 priority. As a Realtor, you are my #1 Priority. When I list your property for sale, my commitment to you is my #1 priority. My goal is to sell your property quickly at the maximum price.
Karlyn's Design Portfolio
This portfolio includes most, not all, of my graphic design work since 2005, screen shots of my websites, the first of which was established in the year 2000, miscellaneous siggie and tag creations and Twitter background designs.
To be a success in your online business, you need to utilise a variety of resources. Some businesses require search engines, others banners, others classified advertising, and others require all of these. This website has the resources to help you be successful.
My Free Article Central
Authors can post articles for free, and website owners can re-publish articles at their own websites or newsletters for free! Topics include Automotive, Business, Food and Drink, Marketing, Finance, Communications, Internet, Pets, News and Society, Relationships, Insurance, and Sports.
Rosie's Boomer Review
Hi, this is Rosie Horner. I am the author of this blog, Rosies Boomer Review. I started this blog to have a place to put my assortment of tid bits I read or hear about that baby boomers might appreciate. I have a reputation for helping folks connect to their passion, purpose and potential.
Unlocking the Value of Your Customers
It is generally accepted amongst most marketing experts that it costs at least five times more to acquire a new customer than it does to get an order from an existing customer. There are many ways that you can unlock the value of your existing customer base and in this article, I will explore some of those ways.