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Bob and Dad on Michigan Avenue - MP3
We go to Chicago's Magnificent Mile and Bob gets free samples of chocolate. When you click the link, you can 'listen live' -- just look for the small arrow above 'Download.'

Bob and Dad at the Racetrack - MP3
We go to Arlington Park Race Course and Bob bets on five horses.

Bob and Dad in Chicago's West Loop - MP3
We explore Chicago's downtown on the west side. Walk with us to Sears Tower, the Loop L tracks, and the Chicago River. When you click the link, you can listen live -- look for the 'right arrow'

Bob and Dad at the Supermarket - MP3
We explore four Chicago grocery stores that are closer to Wrigley Field in Chicago. When you click the link, you can listen live without downloading -- just look for the tiny 'right arrow' above 'Download.'

Bob and Dad at the Theme Park - MP3
This 40 minute audio gives you a live story about 11-year-old Bob and me at a Chicago-area theme park. It's a live production: You're right there with us as everything happens.
In this free marketing book, you will go step-by-step and create your advertising campaign. If you need strong results fast, download this 164-page guide now.
As a Word file
Mom Letters is a comedy novel that reports on a Chicago family's life in one year. It has a lot of fun information about life in Chicago — what it's like to ride an L train, walk through the Loop, see the city, etc.
As a Word file
Biblemerica gives you the biblical stories of Moses, Samson and Jesus. It keeps the original chapters and verses, but it replaces Jerusalem with Chicago, and moves the timeline up to the 20th century
As a Word file.
Management Made Simple - PDF
You need to survive in an organization, and this book shows you how. It helps you get projects through your company and succeed. Understand all of the psychology necessary to make your company win.
Jack Benny Audio History
The Jack Benny Audio History is an all-sound biography of the greatest radio comedian. This unique book contains hundreds of Jack Benny Old Time Radio (OTR) clips — organized into different subjects.

Pre-1923 Original Hit Song Collection - MP3
Listen to a free collection of pre-1923 hit songs -- you know them.
These are original recordings by the top stars of the early 20th century.
Download a zip file that gives you each song as its own MP3
Download the song list
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